amille Rogier
(Meynes 1810 - Paris 1896)
View of Constantinople after the fire of San Dimitri 1843
Rogier lived in Constantinople for just three years, from 1840-1843, but he also travelled extensively throughout the middle-east, and Orientalist subject matter was the dominant theme in his work. He was a well known figure in the region, and is referred to by other writers who travelled there such as Théophile Gautier (1811-1872) and Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880). Rogier exhibited at the Paris Salon between 1833 and 1848, but he is perhaps best known as an etcher, thanks to his 1848 book La Turquie. Moeurs et usages des orientaux au dix-neuvième siècle (Turkey. Manners and customs of the oriental in the nineteenth century).