aniël de Koninck
(Amsterdam 1668 - England 1720)
Portrait of a Man, Half-Length, Wearing a Plumed Turban and Gold Embroidered Red Cloak with a White Shawl
The de Konincks were a Dutch family of painters, draughtsmen and printmakers spanning several generations, although the relationships between the individual family members are unclear. Little is known about Daniël de Koninck’s life except that he studied under another uncle, Jacob de Koninck (c. 1612-1690), from 3 September 1682. A record states that on 3 August 1690, Daniël paid off his apprenticeship fee ‘to my Uncle Jacob de Koninck, Painter in Copenhagen’. Soon after, he moved to Oxford and by 1720 was living in London, where it seems he built a considerable reputation as a portrait painter.