Works on Paper
Joseph Mallord William Turner, R.A.
(London 1775 - London 1851)
Arno, A Villa Among Trees and Bushes
Philipe-Jacques de Loutherbourg, R.A.
(Strasbourg 1740 - Chiswick 1812)
Smugglers on the English Coast
Jean-Baptiste Le Prince
(Metz 1734 - Saint-Denis-du-Port 1781)
A Shepherd Resting, Two Figures Behind
Otto Gerlach
(Leipzig 1862 - Teheran 1908)
Tatar Troops Swearing Allegiance to the Tsar Before the Regiment Banner
Works on Paper
Jean-Jacques de Boissieu
(Lyon 1736 - Lyon 1810)
An Extensive Mountainous Landscape with Travellers on a Bridge by a Cottage, a Town seen beyond
Nikolai Nikolaevich Karazin
(Kharkov 1842 - Gatchina 1908)
Horse Watering at the Edge of a Battlefield
George Albert Frost
(Boston, Massachusetts 1843 - Cambridge, Massachusetts 1907)
Six Scenes from Siberian Villages
Alexei Petrovich Bogoliubov
(nr. Novgorod 1824 - Paris 1896)
Hougoumont Farm, Waterloo & Outside Hougoumont Farm
Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov
(Riabovo, Viatka 1856 - Moscow 1933)
Hunters on Horseback in a Pine Forest
Joseph Mallord William Turner, R.A.
(London 1775 - London 1851)
Arno, A Villa Among Trees and Bushes
Philipe-Jacques de Loutherbourg, R.A.
(Strasbourg 1740 - Chiswick 1812)
Smugglers on the English Coast
Jean-Baptiste Le Prince
(Metz 1734 - Saint-Denis-du-Port 1781)
A Shepherd Resting, Two Figures Behind
Otto Gerlach
(Leipzig 1862 - Teheran 1908)
Tatar Troops Swearing Allegiance to the Tsar Before the Regiment Banner
Jean-Baptiste Pillement
(Lyon 1728 - Lyon 1808)
Peasants Resting and Dancing to a Piper beside a Farm
Jacob Cats
(Altona 1741 - Amsterdam 1799)
A Swineherd with Three Pigs on a Track, a Windmill Beyond & A Peasant Watering his Animals at a Ford
Pietro Giacomo Palmieri
(Bologna 1737 - Turin 1804)
A Peasant Family and their Animals among Classical Ruins
Giovanni Maria Morandi
(Florence 1622 - Rome 1717)
A Processional Feast with Musicians and People in Costume, a Woman on a Horse at the Centre
Jean-Antoine Julien, called Julien de Parme
(Cavigliano 1736 - Paris 1799)
The Marriage of Alexander to Roxana
Ivan Alekseevich Vladimirov
(Vilno 1869 - St Petersburg 1942)
A Russian Cavalry Officer (recto) and Other Sketches of Various Characters (verso)
Hendrik Verschuring
(Gorinchem 1627 - Dordrecht 1690)
A Horse Market with Arabian Merchants in the Campo Vaccino, Rome
Thomas Wyck
(Beverwijk near Haarlem 1616 - Haarlem 1677)
View of Italianate buildings on the banks of a river
Esaias van de Velde
(Amsterdam 1587 - The Hague 1630)
A River Scene with Rowing Boats, Cottages on the Shore and a Windmill in the Distance
Jacob Cats
(Altona 1741 - Amsterdam 1799)
Winter Landscape with Peasants with a Sledge by a Farm, a Town Beyond
Jan Goeree
(Middleburg 1670 - Amsterdam 1731)
Study for an Illustration to Jacob Cats’ ‘Eighty-Two Years Old’
Cornelis de Man
(Delft 1621 - Delft 1706)
Two Men, One Elaborately Dressed, before a Fireplace, a Woman in a Kitchen Beyond (Recto); A Woman Bending forwards in Work, and a Dancing Putto (Verso)
Attributed to Antonio Zucchi
(Venice 1726 - Rome 1795)
Landscape Animated with Musicians, Shepherds and Fishermen
Francesco Giuseppe Casanova
(London 1727 - Brühl 1803)
A Shepherd’s Family Travelling with their Flock
Thomas Wyck
(Beverwijk near Haarlem 1616 - Haarlem 1677)
An Italian Courtyard with a Gateway and Seated Figure
Nikolai Leontjewitsch Benois
(St. Petersburg 1813 - St. Petersburg 1898)
Hospice de St. Olga, St. Petersburg
Luigi Sabatelli
(Florence 1772 - Milan 1850)
Dante and Virgil Watching Charon Ferrying Souls to Hell
Sokrat Maksimovich Vorobiev
(St. Petersburg 1817 - Turmont Kovno Province, Lithuania 1888)
View of a Russian Provincial City
Sokrat Maksimovich Vorobiev
(St. Petersburg 1817 - Turmont Kovno Province, Lithuania 1888)
View of the Entrance to the Andronikov Monastery, Moscow
Philip Andreyevich Maliavin
(Kazanki, Samara province 1869 - Nice, France 1940)
A Peasant Girl in a Colourful Shawl
Ilya Yefimovich Repin
(Chuguyev, Ukraine 1844 - Kuokkala (modern Repino, near St. Petersburg) 1930)
View of Krasnoye Selo
After Auguste Ricard De Montferrand
(Chaillot, France 1786 - St. Petersburg 1858)
St. Isaac’s Cathedral under Construction
Benjamin Patersson
(Varberg, Sweden 1748 - St. Petersburg 1815)
The Kamenny Island Palace as seen from Aptekarskii Island
Joseph Josefovich Charlemagne
(St. Petersburg 1824 - St. Petersburg 1870)
Ice Fair on the Neva River, St. Petersburg
Benjamin Patersson
(Varberg, Sweden 1748 - St. Petersburg 1815)
Catherine the Great Visiting the Ice Mountain, St. Petersburg
Ilya Yefimovich Repin
(Chuguyev, Ukraine 1844 - Kuokkala (modern Repino, near St. Petersburg) 1930)
Portrait of Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador
Johann Georg Paul Fischer
(Hanover 1786 - London 1875)
The Grand Duke Constantine’s Regiment of Cuirassiers of the Imperial Russian Army in 1806
Nikita Ivanovich Martos
(St. Petersburg 1787 - Paris 1813)
View of the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange
Karl Ivanovich Kollmann
(Augsburg, Germany 1788 - Russia 1846)
Peasants on a Cliff Path & Peasants on a Sleigh
Karl Ivanovich Kollmann
(Augsburg, Germany 1788 - Russia 1846)
A Russian Peasant Selling Fish & A Russian Peasant with a Sledge
Karl Ivanovich Kollmann
(Augsburg, Germany 1788 - Russia 1846)
A Russian County Fair & A Russian Baptism
Konstantin Egorovich Makovsky
(Moscow 1839 - St. Petersburg 1915)
A Study for ‘A Street Scene in Cairo’
Ilya Yefimovich Repin
(Chuguyev, Ukraine 1844 - Kuokkala (modern Repino, near St. Petersburg) 1930)
Studies for Figures on the Nevsky Prospect in St. Petersburg
Willem van de Velde the Younger
(Leiden 1633 - London 1707)
A Dutch Flagship at Anchor attended by Small Boats, the Fleet seen Beyond